Polar Plunge South Carolina 2021 is here!

Each year, Polar Plunge South Carolina showcases the annual plunge events throughout the state to help raise funds for the Special Olympics of SC in support of their athletes.

The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics South Carolina knows that the 2021 Polar Plunges are to be carefully managed and performed differently than in past years, due to protect one another from the coronavirus.

The foremost requirements are safety precautions such as social distancing at least 6 feet apart, smaller groups, and the use of protective masks or face coverings. Each plunger who attends a plunge event will be assigned a specific time to take their plunge, and any spectators or drivers will be asked to kindly stay inside their vehicles.

“Plunge & Go”
Plungers will report to an outdoor registration table, plunge (keep heads above the water for added safety), and go.

“Virtual Plunges”
When registering, note whether you will be plunging in person or virtually – then post a photo or video of the virtual plunge on Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok – using the hashtag #polarplungesc

Thank you for every donation and for making a splash for a great cause!

By “Freezin’ for a Reason” you’re creating more opportunities for determined athletes to experience the life-changing benefits of participating in the Special Olympics.

We sincerely thank each and every one of you for your understanding and for working on this great cause together.

Visit the Events Calendar for a list of all nine events, times, and locations!

Polar Plunge Kickoff 2021 #polarplungesc